Thursday, July 28, 2005


Can I say again how much I love California? This is the Pacific Coast Highway...often seen in car commercials and other things. Why have winter, when you can see this every day? Posted by Picasa


The first day in San Diego we went to the famous San Diego Zoo. Which was awesome, but had too many species of rare pig, neither shown above. This is a picture of Dave staring down the statue of an ape.  Posted by Picasa


Dave smothering his mom. They were twins the day we went to the zoo. I like her a lot!  Posted by Picasa


Panda!!! This was the baby panda that was born in the zoo a few years ago, there was also a male panda, but the older female might be pregnant, so she was inside. :) Posted by Picasa


These polar bears were so funny. They completely destroyed a little plastic pool and then.... Posted by Picasa


AHHH! Polar bear fight! Posted by Picasa


AWWWWW! I love the koalas! Posted by Picasa


Our hotel had a pool! Yay! Look, its a P, for Pool! Posted by Picasa


Stay classy San Diego! Posted by Picasa


Bridge to Coronado! Posted by Picasa


Awesome white sand beach on the island Coronado, the next stop on our trip. Posted by Picasa


This is the Hotel de Coronado, a spectacular hotel on the island of Coronado right off of San Diego. We went there for breakfast, because who can actually afford those rooms anyway. They are like $900 a night or something silly like that.  Posted by Picasa


Yay! I'm cute! We went to the historic part of San Diego with old spanish missons and other such old things. They had funny hats and AMAZING mexican food. Yum. Posted by Picasa


Dave in the gift shop at Old Town, he says that he looks like one of those Day of the Dead skulls. Posted by Picasa


This is a shot of one of the several beautiful building in Balboa Park in San Diego, they were built to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal in 1916. Now they are all musuems, art, anthropology, and more art. :) Posted by Picasa


A little off center shot of the front of the Museum of Man, see below shot, too! Posted by Picasa


This awesome tower and domed building are part of the Museum of Man, an Antropology museum. Inside is stuff on ancient Maya, Egypt, human evolution, and current evolution. Right up my alley, science and history.  Posted by Picasa


This is the Aerospace Museum in Balboa Park (San Diego again). Inside there was Apollo 9, and lots of other space stuff and planes. Posted by Picasa


Another shot of the ocean from a REALLY steep hill in San Diego! Posted by Picasa


This is the beautiful sunset on a beautiful trip to Southern California. There is so much there to do, and I will have to go back there sometime to get everything done! Posted by Picasa


I am trying to be latina!!!! Ahhh Oxnard Hat! Posted by Picasa


Dave is not mexican. Posted by Picasa

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